From the Heart

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Flowers, God’s beautiful creation for us to enjoy.

Life holds many surprises. Have you ever had a bad day and then somehow you received a sweet note from someone? It happened to me a few times, and I cannot help but think that this is a gift from our heavenly father. I do not take it for granted but instead hold it very dear to my heart. I didn’t grow up too religiously but ever since I gave birth to my son I felt the need to become better acquainted with God and build an actual relationship with him.

I’m still learning more about him every day, and I know it will take my entire lifetime here on earth, but I kid you not when I say that he’s the real reason for my happiness. He has given me the best present anyone could wish for: Becoming a mother, and becoming the wife to my very best friend. God truly is good. I have no fears when I’m with him, and I know that I don’t need to be fearful as long as I trust in him.

You might wonder what all of this has to do with the floral skirt I’m wearing, and the answer is simple: These beautiful flowers, printed on my skirt, are my personal reminder that beauty is all around us. So, here I am praising God and all the beauty he created for us.

As always, thanks much for reading & have a wonderful day!

Much love.



TOP: Bebe c/o | FLORAL SKIRT: Everly Clothing | SHOES: Forever21 | SUNGLASSES: Windsor Fashions (ON SALE FOR $5.45!) c/o | LIPSTICK: CHANEL

Brought to you in partnership with Everly Clothing.


Dress Everly

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We finally arrived in Germany, and I’m beyond happy to be reunited with my family and friends. My son, Kingston is having such a fabulous time with his grandmother which makes my heart melt. Seeing my mom with my son is beyond beautiful. Truly wish we all lived closer but for now we’re just just enjoying every minute together.

I grew up in a small near Dusseldorf with tons of little bookstores near my parents’ house. Reading is another passion of mine besides fashion. Near my hometown I discovered a new, tiny bookstore. It had all of these old books. Of course, I had to go in. My family were greeted by an elderly german woman who kissed my son Kingston. It was very sweet. I told her that I wanted to look around for a bit in which she said: “Kein Problem, schaut Euch ruhig um.” I smiled, and my treasure hunt begun.

It’s such a privilege to read, you know? It’s something not everyone subjects to. Reading allows me to travel the world even further, and visit past generations which in a way makes me become immortal; to live, as GRRM says, a thousand lives.

Afterwards we headed to the lake close my parents’ house where we took these pictures in my Everly Clothing dress. The location, my family, the dress…everything was perfect.

As always, thanks so much for reading & have a wonderful day!

Much love, always.



 DRESS: Everly Clothing c/o | SUNGLASSES: Windsor Fashions (ON SALE FOR $5.45!) c/o | BLAZER: Windsor Fashions c/o | WATCH: Leonard & Church | HAT: Forever21| BOOTIES: Similar HERE LIPSTICK: CHANEL

Brought to in partnership with Everly Clothing.
