Officially 31 weeks! What? How did this happen? Where does the time go? Oh, I know. As I’m approaching my due date faster and faster I still have a lot of things that need to get done before Baby J makes his big debut.
Chicagoooo! Did anyone else LOVE the weather we had last week?! We shot this maternity look while it was over 50 degrees, and while I wouldn
Speaking of Baby J…He’s quite the kicker, I tell you (a little soccer player in the making!). Sometimes his kicks are so strong that I literally catch myself touching my bump in a protective way, like: “Ouch, this hurt, little man!” My son Kingston thinks it’s the funniest thing, though! He keeps reminding me how gentle he is…It’s too cute—he’s already competing with his baby brother. 🙂
As always, thanks so much for reading & have a fabulous weekend!
You look phenomenal! I love the lace hemline of this dress– so pretty! You are almost there! It seems like just yesterday you were announcing your pregnancy!
xo, Jennifer
Just give in, into the fatigue. You look fabulous!
So beautiful babe! The drees is really nice! Kisses
Your dress is gorgeous Vanessa. Ahh I can’t believe you are so close to due date. How exciting! Can’t wait.
Mich x
Que bonita que estás!!!! y que poquito queda ya para ver la carita de tu bebé!!!
el blog de renée
You look amazing Vanessa!! He’s going to be quite the active kid if he keeps up with the kicking haha! Love ya girl!
I can’t believe you are at 31 weeks either! This maternity dress is so pretty and stunning on you. Love the lace detail! Have a fantastic weekend Vanessa!
You look so beautiful, dear V., ethereal, like coming from a fairy’s book! No joke! The pictures are really that beautiful and you look amazing with this maternity look – I love lace and green clothes! Wow, Baby J seems to be hectic inside, I imagine he is eager to see the world! But there are some weeks to go, he must be patient 🙂 And Kingston saying he is gentle, that is so cute! Where did the time go… this is true… just yesterday you announced that you would give Kingston a brother, now 31 weeks are gone! Hope you have a fabulous weekend, dear V., enjoy the weather – maybe it gets better again! Hugs and kisses!
So crazy how time flies by haha, feels like you only recently announced the pregnancy! Glad to hear your well though and keep taking them naps girl!! Such a pretty dress too, love the detail of the lace! Xx
Isn’t it something how fast the time goes? You look absolutely stunning in this hunter green and the black lace peaks are just amazing! Speaking of amazing, you are one incredible mama and I wish you a sweet and cozy weekend full of rest and happiness!
You look amazing! I’m in love with this dress and the lace hemline! Can’t believe you’re 31 weeks – you’re almost there!
xO – Steph
Omg, can’t believe you are 31 weeks already! You look amazing girl, love that knit dress on you!
x Emily
Have a great weekend Vanessa-lol yes, the 50 degree weather was amazing and a good spring-weather-tease–your son, Kingston
sounds so cute!
your dress very glam and chic dear, love this shade
new review on my blog <<< Maybelline Make Love Happen Valentine’s Day collection >>>
have an happy day, kisses
You look STUNNING in this color, Vanessa! Jewel tones just pops so beautifully against your skin and hair tone, so pretty! I also love the fit and lace detail on the dress, it’s so unique. We had a few days of similar weather and I was loving it, but since then, it has dropped here too 🙁 Thankfully we have just a couple of months until spring, though! As you know, I’ve been experiencing intense fatigue much of my pregnancy, so I can relate to how you’re feeling (and I’m glad I have someone who can relate to me, haha). I’ve always been one to be very active, hyper, and never took naps to not having much energy for anything; I often have to push myself to get the daily things done. But, since you’re ahead of me, I take your advice to heart, also considering this is baby #2 for you! So, I’ve been taking it easy and resting when I feel I must. I know it must feel so amazing to feel Baby J kick and such a cool experience for Kingston, he’s going to be an awesome big brother! Last Friday, I started to feel flutters for the first time and ever since, I’ve been feeling them everyday and it’s such an amazing feeling. Thanks so much for sharing, my dear friend, sending lots of love and blessings to you and your beautiful family; Happy Friday!
You look so gorgeous!! I love the dealing near the bottom of the dress.
The dress is amazing!!
Dora http://www.BangsBang.com
You look absolutely radiant and beautiful Vanessa! the baby bump is just getting cuter and cuter! Have a great weekend gorgeous!
Tamara – LoveofMode.com
Wow, Vanessa, you look incredible! I love the lace detail on that dress, and the color looks great on you!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
xo, Lily
Beauty With Lily
Can’t believe you’re 31 weeks already!! Time really does fly. You look fantastic!
You look so beautiful at that green dress as always…Kingston is so cute, he will be a good big brother im sure…Have a nice weekend with your family…
Simply stunning my friend! I love the dark green with the black lace. Glad you are doing well and listening to your body.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Yes to good weather because these pictures are beautiful. I love the dress and pregnancy glow.
You’re almost there!!! Yay! I love the lace detailing on this dress; so stunning <3
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.com
Omg darling this is such a cute outfit , you are so beautiful in this green dress !!Also the lace details are adorable <3
This dress is gorgeous, as are you, you look so fantastic! So excited to meet the little one, not long to go now xxx
ALittleKiran | Bloglovin
Thirty one weeks and looking fabulous Vanessa! I love the lace trim on your dress, it’s so fabulous! You’re in the home stretch now, how exciting !!
Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
xo, Jackie
Gorgeous! I love your studded boots.
I used to live in Chicago. Hope you’re keeping warm with a weather like that.
I totally love that outfit V! And your update sounds so cute – you should already look for a soccer team for your little man 😉
xx, Carmen – http://www.carmitive.com
That dress is absolutely stunning! You look so beautiful in it.
Hey hon, so I’m going to speak about something completly unrelated to this post- I love your bunny snap on Instagram, you looked soooo cooote, like you were K’s sister and not mother. I love that dress, the lace detailing is genius! Have a good week ahead Bella. Xx
This dress is gorgeous on you! You look absolutely amazing- that pregnancy glow is real! So glad you haven’t had any more contractions and that you are doing well. Sending love and positivity <3
Julia・Little Miss Haute Couture
You’re one of the most elegant and fashionable moms I’ve ever seen! So excited for you!
x Sandra
Wow, that dress is gorgeous, I really love the color!
You look amazing babe. So glad your pregnancy is going well. I love the lace trims in this dress.
You look amazing! 🙂
Oh my goodness look at this gorgeous bump. Glad to hear everything is well
Filipa xxx
PlayingWithApparel.com | Instagram
Love the jade green dress! Wow, you look radiant and glowing! Good luck on your pregnancy!
xo, Yasmin
How do you do it to always look so gorgeous? No matter what you are always so stunning. I am in love with the color of this dress and the bottom detail.
Have a gorgeous week Vanessa!
My Vogue Style | http://www.myvoguestyle.com
Wow, thats really warm for Chicago. We had a warm weekend in SF too. You stay glowing girl. Congrats on 31 weeks!
First of all you look fabulous and pregnancy never looked so good on anyone as it ha son you!! Keep taking those naps so that you an recharge your energy. I can’t believe it’s been 31 weeks already, the baby is almost around the corner!!!
Beautiful dress! You look so pretty!
This whole look is stunning and you’re glowing!!! Congrats to you- you look beautiful!
You look so amazing! This dress is perfect! You’re style is impeccable! I’m so inspired for when it’s my turn!
You look gorgeous, Vanessa. This is such a beautiful dress – I love this color on you and the lace details!
Julia x
Love the lace details! You look so gorgeous!
XO Kylen | Kylen Every Wear