I’m officially 35 weeks! A couple of days ago I had a doctors appointment in which an utrasound was performed as well! Baby J is in the 77%-tile which means he’s slightly bigger than average and he already weighs over 5lbs! Can you believe it? I certainly cannot, and yet I have a feeling that it’s only a matter of time until we’ll finally hold him in our arms!
It’s the final count down, you guys! I’m pretty much in a state of disbelief, but at the same time, sheer excitement floods my body when I think about it. In roughly 4 weeks, give or take a few, we’ll have our baby boy to hold and kiss and snuggle and love. It’s just really surreal.
At my last OB appointment, my doctor was worried that my belly was measuring a bit small for where I should be at that point in time, and arranged for me to have an ultrasound. I was quite nervous because the same thing happened with Kingston. My water was almost gone when we had the utlrasound which meant I had to be induced. Kingston was born a day later, at 37 weeks.
But let’s get back to Baby J…
Comes out…Everything is fine! The ultrasound showed that Baby J is perfectly healthy, and in the 77%-tile of growth! I’m telling you he’s a big boy! My stress has disappeared and I’m back to breathing easier. So, here you have it…The size of your bump really isn’t an indicator if you’re having a big or small baby! Look at me! My belly is small and yet I have a BIG baby inside of me! 🙂
As always, thanks much for reading & have a wonderful weekend!
See you back here on Monday! XOXO
DRESS (similar HERE)
So relieved ll is well! How scary that must have been, but since you experienced something similar with Kingston hopefully you knew it was all going to be okay. So happy for you… final countdown indeed, and this gown looks beautiful on you! PS: I cannot believe he is so big already!
xo, Jennifer
How exiting! I am glad that everything is fine! Just enjoy your last weeks!
Wow! That’s so exciting! Kisses
First of all, I hope all is well and stays well till the end.
Secondly, every time I visit your blog I fall in love with it even more because it is so pretty.
these photos are so beautiful and special 🙂
Que linda estasssssssssss
Te dejo mi nuevo post, espero que te guste y que tengas un feliz fin de semana
Awwwww, I think that’s so coote that Baby J looks like he’ll be larger than life! I’m glad your checkup was smooth and wishing you a lovely weekend Bella. Xx
That’s good the doctor wanted to do the ultrasound just to make sure everything was ok and great that baby is a big healthy boy! Hopefully that will put your mind at ease for these last four weeks or so. I cannot believe he will be here so soon!! Have a wonderful weekend, Vanessa!
xo, Rachel
A Blonde’s Moment
So glad that things are on track with your big boy! This pic of you is amazing and so beautiful! Thanks for sharing this latest update and have a great weekend!
Can’t wait to see the baby boy!! <3333
s’exciting and love all the updates-can’t wait to ‘meet’ you baby J!-Katelyn/www.theyellowspectacles.com
Thanks God is all ok with Baby J and with you…Can’t wait to meet him..You look so fabulous at that dress..
Have a nice weekend love..
Dear V., you look again amazing, such an ethereal picture, the miracle of life – I love that idea! Such a fairy, you are! I get what you said, I also thought that the belly was small, but I thought it was an old picture. Now I know that Baby J is fine and that people can have a small belly, but Baby J is a big baby inside! I am eager to see him and of course, you are more, no doubt, but we, your blogger-friends, took part in this journey through your posts and I feel like knowing you and the baby! 4 weeks more… a bit less, a bit more, but soon, very soon you will be with one more angel in your arms! Hope you have a great weekend, dear V., enjoy it with your family and welcoming Baby J soon! Hugs and kisses!
So glad to hear Baby J is healthy! Can’t believe your 4 weeks away.. I can’t wait to see his sweet little face! 🙂
Have a great weekend!
xo, Steph
You look absolutely beautiful in this photo, Vanessa, so angelic! Well, it’s good to know that the size of the belly isn’t always an indicator of the size and health of the baby because some of my family have commented on how small my belly is, too (insert eyeball roll emoji lol). I’m glad Baby J is healthy and I know, I can’t believe he’ll be here so soon either, time really flies. Thanks for sharing, beauty, and I hope you have a great weekend ahead!
I am so happy to hear he is healthy and doing well. I cannot even imagine how nervous you were before the ultrasound but thank god they were good news! You look stunning Vanessa, have a wonderful weekend!
My Vogue Style | http://www.myvoguestyle.com
You look so beautiful:-)
so glad that every thing turned out well. You look amazingggg in that photo by the way 🙂
naghmeh lesani
Vanessa,good luck:)))You look amazing:)))
This is so wonderful, congratulations! You look so beautiful in that dress and it shows off your bump perfectly! Can’t wait to see photos of baby J 🙂
All the best on your bundle of joy!
Xoxo, Maggie
I can’t believe you already 35 weeks pregnant Vanessa! It flew by so quickly! Appreciate these last few weeks and I wish you an easy delivery!
Tamara – LoveofMode.com
That’s so exciting, congrats! I’m so happy everything fine and I can’t wait to see a picture of your baby boy!
Awww V these are great news! Yay! So happy for you and your fam!
What a big boy you have coming your way! Can’t imagine the excitement of just thinking to have baby J in your arms! 🙂
Have an awesome weekend girl!
Send my best to your fam 🙂
I’m so glad everything is a-okay, lady! It’s getting close to baby boy time!
Le Stylo Rouge
You look so amazing!
I am so glad that everything is fine. Wish you all the best for the future. Take care 🙂
Glad hearing everything is fine! Also can’t believe you will give birth in 4 weeks :o! Have a lovely weekend! x
So exciting! Glad everything is good. This photo is beautiful!
Im so happy everything is fine! Can’t wait for him to come!
xx Isabella from @angulo28blog
I’m so glad everything is okay! And, yes, you can have a HUGE belly and a tiny baby… 😉 Glad you are the other way around!
Ich wünsche dir ein schönes, erholsames Wochenende liebe Vanessa.
So excited for you now you’re nearly there! Glad everything is OK.Bet the next few weeks will fly by for you, best of luck 🍀
ahhh you are making me so excited for my little girl to get here!!! Pregnancy is so exciting and I love hearing about other womens experiences! Sending love and health yours and babys way!!
: JenessaSheffield.com
That’s such amazing news that Baby J is healthy!! I’m so excited for your family to finally meet him!
Yay! Your little bump is so cute! I cannot wait to be a mom one day. Congrats on a healthy baby. 🙂
-Emily http://www.coatandcoffee.com
Aww that’s so cute!! Congrats on a healthy baby (: You look beautiful!
Live. Laugh. Love. & Make Up
You look beautiful Vanessa! I’m glad baby j is doing so well! 5lbs, you are one strong mama! I have this feeling that you will be meeting him in the next or so. Just a hunch 🙂 hope you have a great weekend with your family
xo, Jackie
In love with this photo!
I’m so glad everything is ok!! I can’t believe you’re due in about 4 weeks. I seriously can’t wait for you!! You’re such a strong mom for carrying a big boy while juggling everything including your 3 pups! Super mom for sure over here!
So happpy for you that everyting is ok!!
Gorgeous photo babe.
X Merel
Glad to know that everything goes smoothly!
Dora xx
So glad everything turned out alright at the ultrasound and baby is doing well. You are in the home stretch mama and looking so beautiful!!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Amazing piece. Please check out my post on how to re-design denim!
Kisses xo | From Aliona With Love
Instagram @alionawithlove
YouTube @alionawithlove
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsLzGZXS_Ag&w=560&h=315%5D
So glad everything is going good for you and Baby J! In just a few weeks your little bundle of cuteness will arrive =)
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.com
you look amazing!
THE FASHION MATTERS- Travel & Fashion blog
Gorgeous dress and shot! So happy for you and the amazing baby you will hold x Hugs and blessing , Mary
It’s great to hear that everything is going well. Not long to go…
I can’t believe you are already in the home stretch – so relieved that everything is going well and you can enjoy these last weeks. You are in my thoughts beautiful friend. Xo
Heidi || Wishes & Reality
Babe I’m so excited for you. Time does fly and you styled through out this pregnancy. Baby J is sure going to be super stylish! I love your white outfit and especially loving the flow. Have a great week.
I can’t believe you’re so close to have your baby ! It’s crazy you don’t even have a big bump
You look so lovely like always.
I’m so excited for you.
I can’t believe that you are at 35 weeks! I’m so glad everything is fine with baby J, although it must have been very stressful!
I love this photo of you – you look so beautiful, as always!
Julia x