Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style…Keep in mind that we’re a radiant, life-bearing force!
Some of my friends asked me how I was going to continue blogging while pregnant and even though I was confused by that question it got me thinking nonetheless…But after some serious thinking I came to the conclusion that being pregnant doesn’t mean that you can’t keep up with trends or simply be fashion-forward! In fact, I truly believe that this is time to truly embrace your female body! We’re creating a human being inside of us! That’s nothing to be ashamed of—instead it should be embraced and celebrated! Ever since I gave birth to my firstborn Kingston I never once shamed my body again. As women we tend to compare ourselves to each other + have horrible thoughts/feelings about “not being too skinny enough” or vice versa. How silly these thoughts are compared to the incredible strength a woman’s body can hold. No matter what size you are…always keep in mind that we are more than just a number. We are indeed a life-bearing force!
Below are some of my favorite maternity fashion’s you’ll hopefully love as much as I do!
As always, thanks so much for reading & have a a great weekend! See you back here on Monday!
CAPE c/o | JEANS c/o | SHOES c/o | HANDBAG
You look so fabulous — the definition of chic!
xo, Jennifer
I don t think anyone of us did expect you to sacrifice style during your pregnancy! Stylish as always!
really great look
Great look and the bag is so nice. Kisses
That is a fabulous look on you!
BLES Magazine: the online magazine about Beauty Life Entertainment & Style!
Completamente de acuerdo contigo!!! Yo fui muy muy feliz en mi etapa de embarazo!!!! me encantaba verme mi barriguita gordota… es la mayor felicidad que puede experimentar una mujer!
el blog de renée
Nice outfit, I love it!
Beautiful pregnant woman..you look so great…Have a nice weekend Babe..❤❤❤
I couldn’t agree more. You look so amazing and love this look. Have a terrific weekend Vanessa!
Pretty sure you’re going to be the most fashionable momma-to-be there is! xx
Audrey Adair-Keene | http://www.happilyaudrey.com
You are so right, dear V., you have so beautiful thoughts, always! It’s true, people use to compare themselves, having thoughts like those you mentioned “not skinny”. being ashamed about their bodies – but that’s not what we are born to feel, we should feel great, whichever our body type is! And being pregnant is a fantastic thing! I don’t know why your friends asked how you would go on blogging, but I am enjoying your posts very very much! You look amazing, as usual, and I loved your maternity clothes selection – the dresses (especially a maxi one and a striped one) and a checked shirt, a lot! Hope you have a very nice weekend, dear V.! Hugs and kisses!
You know I think you’re one of the most awesome woman in the entire world! You’re so inspiring and have the biggest heart On Earth! Not to mention, you are always so stylish and always express with so many of us are feeling. I hope you have a glorious weekend sweet friend!
You are definitely one chic mom!! I love how you are still doing what you do! Love ya girl!
I love that you keep the style vibe when you’re pregnant, and refuse to do the easiset, which would be cozy and oversized clothes! I think you demonstrate it perfectly that one can have a baby and remain chic! Hands down to you babe! Xx
looking great-per usual =) Happy weekend,
As always Vannesa, you look just stunning. I love how chic your style is and wearing all black with that bag makes it stand out so much!
My Vogue Style | http://www.myvoguestyle.com
I completely agree, Vanessa. And from what I’ve seen, maternity fashion has really evolved over the years too.
You have such great style and are just gorgeous, you’d look good in a trash bag! 😉
Hope you have a great weekend!
xo, Lily
Beauty With Lily
Can’t wait to see more of your cute pregnancy style!!
You still can rock the style even with the baby, love it Vanessa! xx
You look so chic Vanessa! And I love the pop of colour from your bag. I couldn’t agree with you more, we should be celebrating how truly amazing the female body is. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and no one should have to sacrifice their style.
Hope you have a great weekend!
xo, Jackie
You are so stylish babe!
Kisses, Paola.
My Facebook
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I can’t wait to see all the fabulous looks you share while your pregnant!! Hope your feeling wonderful ! Have the greatest weekend <3
lots of love… Sydney
Your bag is marvelous! Love it ♥
You look GORGEOUS, my friend! I love this head-to-toe black look with the pop of yellow in your bag! I honestly couldn’t agree more with what you’ve shared, we are indeed more than a number and should feel confident in the bodies we’re in, embracing and loving it all! You’ve been such an inspiration with the outfits you’ve been styling throughout your pregnancy so far and I know you’ll continue to amaze for the remainder. Thanks so much for sharing, beauty, and I hope you have the best weekend ahead!
Great post. You look amazing! Loving this all black look with a pop of yellow. Happy Friday!
Love, Lindsey
You look lovely, that bag is soooo cute! Thanks for sharing.
Patricia Stelmach // Patricia Stelmach
Hello, pregnant and still fabulous!!! 🙂 🙂 Love the outfit!
You look so fashionable in this black outfit and love that you put the focus on your bag <3
Also I totally agree with you on the female body. I don't even own a scale, cause I rather go by how I feel and not how much I weigh 🙂
I’m loving your chic and edgy maternity style Vanessa!
Tamara – LoveofMode.com
Loving the yellow bag!
Absolutely chic maternity style!!! Wow!!! =)
– Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
Honestly, I feel if you are aware of celeb culture you’ll pretty much know that being pregnant doesn’t affect your style one bit, did you see Kerry Washington in that gorge dress she wore? Anyhoo, as the decades have gone by women are doing things so much differently now- 60 is the new 45, maternity shops have stepped up, the idea of a pregnant woman in a shapeless potato sack is prehistoric. But back to you, you are wearing your pregnancy very well, its veeeery inspiriring. Goooo VANESSSSSA, haha! Xx
Stunning look, love it. 🙂
Love this look! And yes, you can be fashionable no matter what!
The Fashion Barbie
Vanessa, you look fantastic! Glad to hear everything is well. Gone are the days when you have to sacrifice your style during pregnancy. Maternity clothes is so chic these days and your outfit is the proof. These cape is so chic and the whole monochromatic look is super flattering. Thank you for sharing.
You are such a pretty and trendy mam to be….
Love the content
This is definitely a chic outfit! I love everything about it! 🙂
You are positively glowing!!! I LOVE that you embrace and love and support your body no matter what!!! Thank you for being SO inspirational love. Hugs, Kait
You’re glowing and look absolutely stunning! <3
xo, Donna Belle
oh vanessa, you’re always fashionable and beautiful and I think maternity doesn’t change anything. On top even the clothing have changed, so that if you need to wear maternatiy clothing you still find so many beautiful things to wear and you’re such an idol for that 🙂 you always look chic and beautiful and be careful if I fly one day to the US I’ll try to steal your cute bag 😀 haha
Hope you’re alright my lovely friend <3
This post was awesome to read. You’re right, we are more than just a number. I’m a perfectionist and tend to nitpick things about myself that I don’t like until they’re all I can see, but at the end of the day, that’s not what matters. We need to focus on the things that we love about ourselves more often!
On another note, this outfit is SO chic. Capes are definitely your thing, Vanessa!
Julia // Little Miss Haute Couture
Lovely, as always! Thanks so much for sharing.
Patricia // Patricia Stelmach
You are the most chic of pregnant women. Love you total black outfit, and that bag!
love THIS Loook Vanessa and that bag is soooo cute:)
Love Open Kloset By Karina
A woman should never sacrifice her style during pregnancy. You look stunning as always Vanessa.
In love with your bag! You are definitely the chicest pregnant person… EVER!!
Hope you had a great weekend!
xO – Steph
So beautiful, love your bag
I hope and pray I look like you while pregnant. You are such an inspo
Filipa xxx
PlayingWithApparel.com | Instagram
A force, that’s a great way to describe women. I so agree, just cos you have a bun in the oven doesn’t mean you compromise your style. You look fabulous as always Vanessa. Have a great thanksgiving week darling.
You look fabulous and you have chosen beautiful styles! So chic!
xo Yvonne
You always looks so chic and stylish, Vanessa, and I can’t wait to see the rest of your pregnancy looks!
Julia x
You look fabulous Vanessa. And I agree. You don’t have to sacrifice style at all.
Mich x
Love this chic, classy look! <3
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.com
I love your blog, thank you for sharing!
xoxo, Hadasah
You looking gorgeous dear! Pregnancy glow is full on!
With Love,
Aurelie | http://www.surface85.com
Great look, lovely bag!