Hooray for Spring!! Beautiful soft colors, flowers blooming, and rays of sunshine- what’s not to love?!
Hooray for Spring!! Beautiful soft colors, flowers blooming, and rays of sunshine- what’s not to love?!
The world of blogging has come a long way since I started back in early 2014. The term blog (short for Weblog) was originally considered to be an online journal which would regularly be updated. Many bloggers, including myself started out having a online platform where we could simply share our “style journal”. But with the growth of Instagram aka social media, the world of blogging has changed tremendously and hence the rise of influencers originated.
Over the weekend my boys and I headed to the Bahá’í Temple. The temple is located in Winnetka, IL and probably is one of the most breathtaking temples I’ve ever seen. Bahá’í teaches the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people. While there I read that “service to humanity is service to God. Let the love of the light of the Kingdom radiate through you until all who look upon you shall be illuminated by its reflection”.
I’ve been blogging for 5 years (3 years full-time). That’s how long it’s been since I left my corporate job to pursue my dream job of being a full-time fashion & lifestyle blogger. Blogging has its ups and downs, just like any career, however, the ups outweigh the downs. Setting my own schedule and working on projects that I value is truly a dream come true.
It’s getting warmer outside, there’s a change in the air, and I couldn’t be happier. I swear I have caught it like it’s a cold, I joke about it, and I cheer to it when the first outdoor opens up since winter’s leave, it’s called spring fever. View Post